MaxEnt 2007

MaxEnt 2007
is sponsored by

Edwin T. Jaynes International Center


Dr. Kevin H. Knuth
Department of Physics
University at Albany
Albany NY 12222

Phone: +1-518-442-4653
FAX: +1-518-442-5260


MaxEnt 2007 Excursion and Banquet

27th International Workshop on
Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering

The Saratoga Hotel
Saratoga Springs, New York, USA

July 8-13, 2007

Sagamore Hotel on the cover of Resorts and Great Hotels Magazine

The Excursion and Banquet will be held at the beautiful
Sagamore Hotel on the shores of Lake George in the Adirondack State Park.
Click for Brochure.

The date is yet to be determined.